OpenCv & Visual Studio 2005 Library Paths

Create New Project and Configure the Library path to Project Using OpenCv and Visual Studio 2005

File -> New Project -> Visual C++ ->Win 32

Select Win32 console app Give name and click Ok and click Finish.

Keep Default cording

Tools -> Application -> Project & solution VC++ Directories

Select include files

Brows ->programs files -> opencv

-> cv -> include (click open)

-> cxcore -> include (click open)

-> cvaux -> include (click open)

-> ml -> include (click open)

-> other lib -> highgui (click open)

-> Select library files

Opencv -> lib (click open)

Opencv -> other lib (click open)

Project -> Test -> properties

Configuration properties -> C / C++ -> general

Additional include Directories include

Add above 5 cv.lib ,cvaux, highgui.lib , ml.lib , cxcore.lib

Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies


cv.lib ,cvaux, highgui.lib , ml.lib , cxcore.lib

extract binary file

make Environment Variables

Advanced -> Environment Variables

path -> C:\program files\opencv\bin

Advanced -> System Variables

path -> C:\program files\opencv\bin

Open a new instance of VC++ and select File->New->Project, choose Win32 and make sure that Win32 Console

Application is selected. For testing we will create a project called “show_image” that just will display and image.

Write the name and click OK, after that click Finish

Arosha Uduwerella


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